Friday, October 10, 2003

IHTFP Hack Gallery: Hack Ethics: "The 'Hacker Ethic'

Over many years at MIT, a 'code of ethics' has evolved. This informal code is a self-enforced attitude that ensures that hacks will continue to be amusing and well-received both within and without MIT.

According to the 'hacker ethic,' a hack must:

+ be safe
+ not damage anything
+ not damage anyone, either physically, mentally or emotionally
+ be funny, at least to most of the people who experience it

There is no way of enforcing this code, but anything that directly contradicts it will probably not be considered a 'hack' by most of the MIT community. "

MIT IHTFP Hack Gallery Interesting Hacks To Fascinate People: The MIT Gallery of Hacks: Hacks Galore !

IHTFP Hack Gallery: Hacks on Harvard: This is a good place to start your tour of the gallery.

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